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Executive Board



Tahyae Rimson

I ran for President because I want have a greater impact in my sisters lives and be someone they can look to for nearly everything. I also wanted to play a role in making this sorority grow and help it to become something HUGE by creating a foundation for us to expand on. We were founded on this campus, so I would love to see my sisters doing amazing things all over the world while also having many chapters on different campuses! 



Vice President

Mariah Payne

 I ran for Vice President because I wanted to help my sisters more. Being Vice President I plan on finding more volunteer opportunities and encouraging everyone to volunteer. I love supporting my sisters in anyway possible and I feel this position can help me find new ways to support them!




Hadley Koula

I ran for Secretary because I felt like it would be a good position for me to utilize my organizational skills to benefit the sorority along with allowing me the opportunity to build my leadership and management skills. 



Dia Yang

I ran for Treasurer in part because I was in the position last semester, but I’ve come to enjoy what the job entails. Being in charge of finances allows me to work with my sisters to make their ideas come true. Even if something seems unrealistic, I can work with our organization to find cost effective alternatives that are still amazing.



Academic Archon

Yadira Ramirez

I ran for Academic Archon because I want to be a resource to my sisters. I understand the toll that the pandemic has had on everyone within the past year. I want to be a leader and help guide my sisters as classes transition back to in-person. I plan on continuing to make academics a priority!


Recruitment Specialist

Sequoyah Byas

 I ran for Recruitment Specialist because I felt that I could use my creative side to help plans events that active sisters and future sisters could enjoy. I also wanted to help the organization in finding people that will help carry the sorority legacy for future generations. 



Programs Coordinator

Jasmine Castillo

I ran for Programs Coordinator because throughout my college career I have held many positions except for ones like this. As this is my last semester here, I also stepped up to run because I believe that my planning abilities and my creativeness would really shine if coordinating programs. 


Executive Board: Members
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